A bit overwritten, a tad overacted, and maybe a little bloated, but overall Mank is a breath of fresh air in a thin Hollywood release schedule. The battle over Citizen Kane is well-documented but what David Fincher’s latest offers is context to that story – how the studio system worked and how it could come so entangled with someone like William Randolph Hearst. All involved put in satisfactory performances but the true star of the movie is, appropriately, the writing – a wonderfully full-bodied world and set of characters arranged by David Fincher’s late father, Jack Fincher. The first highlight of the award season and one of the first Fincher films in a long time to dazzle me.

Bottom Line A fully-realized Hollywood like none in recent memory, David Fincher's latest can be a little much at times but mostly succeeds due to it's fantastic screenwriting and gorgeous visuals.